Saturday, September 24, 2011

Councillor Heather King #1 Hero: Day 87

A grovelling apology.  (Indulge me, Blog Day 84: I did a HUGE woopsie and I must repeat my grovelling apology. A few keen folks read the blog before my errant ways were brought to my attention and corrected. Therefore,  I still need to redeem myself.):
In my zest, zeal and occasionally over-the-top support for Heather, I incorrectly gave her credit for the magnificent idea of installing a retractable roof for the North Delta Outdoor Pool! 

I am biased, but I truly do make every effort to clarify my facts before publishing. Sincere apologies to Councillor Robert Campbell and a humble offer to publicly wash his car at a time of his convenience! (read Day 84 for the rest of the story)
Robert, please forgive me. Your idea was brilliant! BRAVO! Thank you. You are #4 on my Hero's List. You're in good company; Heather, Neil, and Francis are #1, 2, and 3!

Chivalry is not dead. It is alive and well in North Delta. A HUGE thank you to Francis who answered my cry for help and saved the day!  Literally he saved  Day 79: Adventure of The Terry Fox Run Signs!  I was doing a "copy and paste" and ended up doing a "copy and delete". OUCH, yes, sometime it really sucks to be me!

But have no fear; Francis is here. He gallantly fought his search engine and sent me back Day 79! In honour of Francis, I have added him to my much coveted Heroes List. He is number #3!

      Blog days with Francis:
Francis Day 14
Francis Day 32

Francis Day 80
 (OK, true confession, before Francis sent me Day 79, Councilor Campbell was #3, but Francis bumped him!)

Third: a request for more vehicles to practice washing, before I tackle Robert's car. In preparation for my car washing redemption, I purchased a pair of pink rubber gloves, but Robert drives a Jaguar and I am I'm a titch nervous about washing it without adequate practice.  
In training to wash Councillor Robert Campbell's Jaguar!

@Barb_2U is my twitter account.

Hey, excellent fund raising idea:
The North Delta Sunfish Swimming & Water Polo Club could hold a car wash fundraiser!
I could be one of the washers, raise money for the Sunfish, and get supervised jag-washing practicing!  WIN-WIN-WIN! Hip Hip Hooray!

Sunfish club's fundraising efforts:
  • they need cash, but they are no stranger to fundraising and to giving back. Francis told me,   "The Sunfish club has used the outdoor pool since it was built. We have saved it once by buying the new boiler. We want to ensure that while the opportunity exists, we upgrade it for MANY decades to come." 
  • They usually have 160+ swimmers, but this year they lost 30+ kids because of their fee increase and pool. They have been fundraising like mad, but they are going to get saddled with a 10% increase in rentals come January 2012 and they may lose up to 30% of their gaming grant (sigh).  
This makes no sense. We want to keep kids in organized sports and involved in our community. We want to empower Delta's youth to succeed in life! We want them to stay swimming with the Sunfish! Prevention is a brilliant crime reduction strategy, as it's way cheaper to keep a child in sports than in Juvie (juvenile detention center).

On a cheerier note, the Sunfish predict that they, "Could easily have  200+ kids, if the outdoor pool was improved and made the proper regulation length." How cool is that?

They also very boldly stated that, "We could  make Delta the Mecca for Water Polo, if we had a regulation pool." That's even cooler! Mecca, eh? I am liking the sound of that! Kind of hard to imagine with the technicolor image of the "bloody toes" bouncing around inside in my frontal lobe.
"Sunfish Piggies in Pain"
 Creative math by Barb_2U 
$250,000 for the improvements to the North Delta Outdoor Pool.
200 kids X 10 toes  = 2,000 toes
$250,000/2,000 toes = $125 per toe What a deal!

$    250,000 = 3.33% of Gateway Expansion Expropriation Money
$ 7,500,000

$          125 =  0.00166% of available funds for each young Sunfish's toe saved
$ 7,500,000

Wonder how these figures compare with our dollars for "youth crime prevention strategies".

New Thought: Maybe the Corporation of Delta could host a fundraiser. Folks could pledge $125 to save a toe. 2,000 toes means that we would just need is 2,000 generous folks! Problem solved!

Forth: congratulations to Heather for her Best of South Delta 2011 Award.
Photo below is from page 19 of today's South Delta Leader! South Delta folks voted for Heather on-line one click at a time. Well done Heather!  Turns out your decision to run for Mayor has made many folks happy! (Who is surprised?) Thanks for fighting for the future, for our kids.

Your ROYAL PURPLE CAPE and turbo boost of common sense, really works!

Fifth: special thanks to Neil Corbett for bringing the state of the North Delta Outdoor Pool to the attention of the Parks, Recreation and Culture Commission (PRCC) at the meeting on Thursday evening!  Heroes are hard to come by and I really appreciate Neil's due diligence.

Sixth: a mini-disclaimer or two:
I do not speak for Heather, I merely blog my thoughts regarding her campaign. I am not paid.  I am a HUGE Heather supporter and I enjoy flaunting my biasedness, but I do not speak for her. Yes, admittedly, if I think it's funny, I sometime go to the extreme; however, most of my comments are said with a smile and tongue in cheek. I am self-appointed, here to have fun, and to bring her campaign to you!

Neil and Heather are not running together. As far as I know, they have not endorsed anyone. They are both independents, running as true independents. Neil touched my heart by going to bat for the kids. He read my blog and acted on the information, so I feel it appropriate to publicly thank him and wish him well in this election. 

Tell Heather how YOU WANT YOUR money to be spent. Her information is at the top of the page. She WANTS you to talk to her.
Tell the KING!

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