Friday, September 16, 2011

Councillor Heather King Rescues the Terry Fox Run Signs: Day 79

When Mike, Gail's hubby, gave me a flyer advertising the Terry Fox Run at the last outdoor movie event, I was surprised, as I didn't realize he was a Rotarian too! (Truly, those do-gooders are popping up all over Tsawwassen.)

Mike laughed and assured me that he wasn't a member, Gail was. Then he mischievously
declared that he's on the "Spousal Program".  I think that it's also called the "Yes Dear Program", or the "Successful Marriage Program"!
NOTE: Gail's maiden name is Smart and one of her infamous quotes is,
              "I used to be Smart, and then I got married".

For months Gail, Mike, and other volunteers have been hard at work organizing the Tsawwassen Terry Fox Run

Thanks to Councillor King for literally lending her hands for the photo

Tuesday the Terry Fox Run signs were installed throughout Tsawwassen!

Unfortunately, with a few hours ALL the signs were taken down and thrown into the back of a Corporation of Delta truck! HUH? Honest, I am not making this up.

With much weeping and gnashing of teeth, Gail stormed City Hall.  I heard  it was ugly.  (OK, I didn't hear anything, but potentially it could have been ugly.)

NOTE: Delta has a by-law prohibiting the installation of "unauthorized signs". To get authorization it is rather simple: apply. If your signs are deemed worthy of "authorization status",  then they get on the "Official Sign Exceptions List".

Obviously, The Terry Fox Run was supposed to be on "Official Sign Exceptions List". However, there was a glitch and  it was not on the "Official Sign Exceptions List"!

Rules are rules and the Corporation employees were instructed to take down the Terry Fox Run signs.

Thankfully, Gail's wails for help reached the KING's ears!

Ta-Da Councilor KING swoops to the rescue! 

OH, I wish I had a picture of Heather in her ROYAL PURPLE CAPE swooping in to save the day!  Just imagine:    SWOOP,  SHOOP,  SHOOSH      (Try saying that really fast!)
KING used the rare and wonderful ingredient that is so often missing when "status quo bureaucracy" mates with "butt-stupid red tape": common sense.

YES, shocking as it sounds, Councillor KING used common sense to solve the sign problem!!!! Go figure.

I don't know the details, but Heather waved her magically common sense super powers  and "Abracadabra" The Terry Fox Run appeared on  the "Official Sign Exceptions List"!

YIPPEEE, now Gail and her volunteer crew could retrace their steps and put back ALL the signs!

Ponder:  how many volunteer hours? How many Corporation hours?  How much MONEY did that "glitch" cost us tax payers? What else happens that we don't know about? Now I am wailing and gnashing my teeth.

Thank goodness KING has a ROYAL PURPLE CAPE and a turbo boost of common sense!

This afternoon I zipped over to Heather's to help her put up her allotted number of Terry Fox Run signs.

We are out the door when her phone rings. She takes the call thinking it's going to be quick call. It wasn't.  


While we were waiting, Joan, Heather's mom, lovingly told me that Heather was a very, very, shy child!

I guffawed and wondered aloud if Joan, like Tootles, has finally lost her marbles! Seriously, Heather shy?

Joan heard the challenge in my voice and took me into Heather's office and showed me a picture of  shy Heather.

I involuntarily shuddered, as the Ghost from Childhood Past conjured up my dental imprint immortalized on an Ivory bar.Secretly--I was relived, I thought she was going  to take me into the washroom to taste soap!

Dad, Tommy Douglas, and Shy Heather

 The handsome man on the left is Heather's dad, the man on the right is Tommy Douglas and the shy little girl is our mayoral candidate, Heather...who may never leave her mother alone with me again!

Heather's Dad
This is the photo of Heather's dad that sits above her desk. Joan's eyes sparkle when she tells stories of their adventures together! 

Speaking of "good old dads", I showed up at Heather's driving my Dad's new car - it had been in his driveway for  less than 7 hours, before I "borrowed it".  (Some things never change, right Dad?)

I handed her the keys and asked if she would like to drive!!! OH, ya! It was a bit squishy with the sign wires poking into me, but we were zooming off on a Super Hero mission in a red, sporty, Super Hero mobile!

                                    Signs reinstalled - Mission accomplished!

                            Do the math: Heather X Car = Smart squared!

If you need a super hero with a turbo boost of common sense, contact Heather. Her information is at the top of the page.
****car not included, but she might wear her ROYAL PURPLE CAPE

Stop the wailing & gnashing: Vote KING and let her serve you!

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