Pop Quiz #3: Winner and Answers!
Why are Mayor Lois Jackson and Councillor Ian Paton in Ottawa?
A) to make friends
B) to visit MP Kerry-Lynne Findlay (Delta Richmond-East)
C) to look for funding for river dredging and for resolving the tunnel nightmare
D) to discuss issues of local & regional concern
E) dunno
F) all of the above
Special thanks to Council Candidate Neil Corbett and Scott Broderick who sent me the following tweets:
neilcorbett11 Neil Corbett
@Barb_2U To try and raise fed funds for river dredging and 2nd river crossing. Lois also met with MP KL.
Answers that I found from Web-stalking:
A) To make friends
This answer is correct - read article.
(She has 1470 Facebook friends, and Ian has 200- surely that's enough!)
Not so, read what she told Dave White at News 1130
Article by Dave White, News 1130, September 17, 2011
B) to visit MP Kerry-Lynne Findlay
This answer is also correct, sad, but correct - they met Sunday
Sad because, according to Google Maps:
- Kerry-Lynne Findlay's office is 2.6 KM (5 minutes) from Delta Municipal Hall, with plenty of free parking
- Parliament Hill in Ottawa is 4610 KM (65 hours- not crossing the US boarder) from Delta Municipal Hall. Note: there is NO parking at Parliament Hill
Findlay posted this sequence about noon on Sunday, October 2nd, 2011
(Note: You can tell Kerry-Lynne loves her job, as much as Councillor Heather King:
On my way back from meeting with Delta Mayor Jackson spotted this moving through the Rideau Canal! yfrog.com/nw88820826j
Thanks for sharing Kerry-Lynne!
C) to look for funding for river dredging and for resolving the tunnel nightmare
I am assuming that Pam, Ian's wife is in the know, so this answer has to be correct.
Copied from Ladners Landing Facebook page· Reshare · Saturday at 5:28pm
D) to discuss issues of local & regional concern
This answer also has to be correct - it's in the minutes
Ottawa Delegation:
In October 2011, Mayor Jackson will be leading a delegation to Ottawa to meet with federal Ministers and senior government officials to discuss a variety of issues, including the need for funding for secondary channel dredging. This issue has been raised during previous meetings with federal Ministers in 2008 and 2010, and this will be an opportunity to provide an update regarding the Hay & Company report and potential funding sources.
Meetings with Federal officials (F.18)
E) Dunno
This answer is the most correctest
I am not exactly sure which answer above is the correct one, so I'll let you decide.
(Please don't tell mom that I said correctest, I can see her wincing in "Me mind's eye". I can also taste her soap.)
Dunno, 'cause now I am confused
Potential future Pop Quiz questions:
- Pop Quiz #4: How much $$$ is this delegation to Ottawa going to cost the Delta taxpayers?
- Pop Quiz #5: Why did two people (if any) have to go to Ottawa? (In the corporate world, I bet they wouldn't send two!)
- Pop Quiz #6: Mayor Jackson has lead other unsuccessful delegations to Ottawa, why would she think this one would be more successful?
- Pop Quiz #7: How does an Ottawa meeting facilitator get paid?
If you have a concern, contact Heather King. Her information is at the top of the page. She WANTS to talk to you.
Tell the KING!
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