Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Councillor Heather King receives an email: Day 99

I have a new hero to add to my list!

Ferd, my friend and fellow Ambassador Toastmasters member, wrote an email to Heather (he CC'd me and gave me permission to publish his letter). 

Heather is no stranger to the Ambassadors Toastmasters Club, as she has come as my guest a number of times. 

The last time she visited she us was in July.

She is a good sport and the club loves it when she can attend: in February, in recognition of Toastmasters week, the Ambassadors voted to make Heather an honourary Ambassador member. (Er, we were also shamelessly doing a membership drive and wanted the publicity!)

Ambassadors' President Godfrey Nash and Councillor Heather King

She is a great sport

Here is Ferd's letter:

Hi Heather,

This new gas tax the Mayors will vote on is of great concern to me as I fear for the direction we are headed.

Everyone knows that the price of fossil fuels does impact the economy. The price for gas at the pumps is far more reaching than just the cost of operating our personal vehicles. The cost of shipping, business, our personal and professional lives will cost more as fossil fuels is the root of all energy we use today. Fossil fuels are used to create and maintain all energy creating devices.

When the cost of gas is raised at the pumps whether it is a new tax or price an increase per barrel there is a domino effect thru the economic process, we will see that our goods and services will cost us more at the till.

The new gas tax whether it is the carbon or transit tax may be good for the government as it provides more revenue for their projects. Higher gas prices at pumps raises the retail prices of goods and services at the tills thus higher sales taxes for the consumer to pay. But all this comes with a price, can we afford to continue going down this road?

I think not, please reflect on these thoughts.

Respectfully yours,


 Ferd Lamens is my new hero, because he took the time to write Heather about his concerns!

Fred Lamens is hero #10

(Gees, sorry Robert, you keep getting bumped down the list, but I am sure you understand that Ferd's concern is very, very relevant to everyone in Delta, and the Metro Vancouver, for that matter!

Barb's Heroes List:
  1. Councillor Heather King, Mayor Candidate
  2. Neil Corbett , Council Candidate,
  3. Francis Van Roode, VP Sunfish
  4. Philip Raphael, Editor South Delta Leader & Pop Quiz #2 winner!
  5.  Andrew Conley, Council Candidate
  6. Scott Broderick, Council Candidate & Pop Quiz #1: 1st place winner! 
  7. Cathie Goodman, Pop Quiz #1: 2nd place winner & SD Leader winner!
  8. Ladners Landing,  Pop Quiz #1: 3rd place winner
  9. Carroll Allan, School Board Trustee Candidate 
  10.  Ferd Lamens, Ambassadors Toastmaster & regular guy concerned about gas tax
  11. Councillor Robert Campbell (pending) 
If you have a concern, contact Heather King.  Her information is at the top of the page. She WANTS to talk to you. 
(**I don't mind you including me in your correspondence, as Ferd did, but really I don't speak for Heather, so it's best if you send your concerns to her directly.) 

On that note, if you have something you want to air, please feel free to include me in your correspondence to Heather.
Tell the KING!

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